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From Stagnation to Innovation: 7 Ways to Foster an Environment that Promotes Creative Thinking

Creative workflow is extremely important to unlock meaningful results and increase productivity in the team. It involves active participation from all the team members to bring in new perspectives to the ongoing projects. Not only is it good for your team to get things ticked off the list, it is just as important for them to use their creativity to feel inspired to work.

That’s why we have listed some of the ways in which you can increase the creative workflow and ensure that you build an environment that promotes creative thinking:

  1. Outsource projects 
    A lot of companies outsource their projects in order to get another view on a certain matter. This helps in expanding their horizons and gives them a fresh perspective on the project, which eventually reflects on the team’s approach and performance. Outsourcing projects is one of the best ways for boosting creative workflow and understanding a new way to take the project forward effectively.

  2. Encourage collaboration
    Ensure that each member of the team is involved in the project equally so that they can bring in fresh perspectives and ideas. This way, you can ensure that your work becomes more entertaining and productive. Encouraging participation from the team helps in determining their level of commitment and boost their creative workflow.

  3. Build a diverse team
    Build a team that has a diverse set of skills. This helps the team to learn something new from each other. Creativity involves a wide variety of problem-solving tactics, and this would help in bringing new perspectives when it comes to solving problems.

  4. Train your Team
    Spend a sufficient amount of time in training your team. By investing time in training, you will be able to make sure that they know things that they are supposed to, and can function in the way that you expect them to.
    Once the training is completed, you will be able to understand the value that they can bring to the company and how they can be of value. This would help them feel more connected to the company’s purpose and ensure that they remain dedicated to their work.
    Check out this video from TedX featuring a full-time professor, Corazza who talks about the applications of creative thinking and why a ‘quick jump out of the box’ is more insightful than a lifetime of standard thinking.

  5. Understand your Company values
    It is important to establish and define your values and make sure that everyone in the company is well aware of these values. This is necessary to ensure that everyone in the company embodies these values and knows where they can go next without miscommunication.

  6. Take different approaches to solve a problem
    Accept different ideas from different people as that would help spark creativity among the team. By bringing in new ideas and perspectives, you will be able to increase the thinking of the team and the workplace.
    You may be surprised what great solutions come to mind!

  7. Be ready to take risks
    If you want to do something new and out-of-the-box, then it is important that you take risks and accept new challenges. Be open to accepting new ideas and changes in the workplace as that would work best for you.

Creative thinking is an important aspect of ensuring that your brand achieves success. This is why adopting these above-mentioned strategies would be extremely helpful to you in the long-term and build an environment that promotes creative thinking.
